Transforming your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing through EFT Tapping, Nervous System Regulation and Trauma resolution

From Surviving to Thriving
Hi, I'm Sarah and I'm here to gently guide you on your journey to wellness using Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT Tapping), Nervous System Regulation and Trauma Resolution. I'm a Pembrokeshire based EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner, Yoga Teacher and qualified Homeopath.
Having experienced the transformational power of EFT and Matrix work on my own healing journey, I’m humbled and excited to have the opportunity to share this with you. Let’s tune in to what’s stopping you moving forward, unravel the unconscious beliefs that are keeping you stuck, and tap into your wholeness. Together, we can unlock your potential for healing and transformation, as you move from a place of surviving to thriving, and to a life filled with joy and purpose.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
Find out how EFT can help you and get your free tapping guide
Matrix Reimprinting
Discover the transformational power of Matrix Reimprinting
Support your nervous system with yoga, somatic exercises and breathwork
Yoga, Breathwork and Somatics
Discover the power of
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
What is Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)?
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a powerful Mind-Body healing technique suitable for both children and adults that can be used to reduce and even neutralize both emotional and physical pain/symptoms. It provides rapid yet gentle and effective relief from a wide range of conditions including: stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, PTSD, fears and phobias, digestive issues, depression, burnout, chronic pain, long-covid, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and so much more.
How does EFT work?
EFT involves tapping on specific acupuncture meridian points on the body while deliberately tuning into a problem. Tapping on these meridians helps to rebalance and clear any energy blockages in the body’s energy system. The combination of tapping whilst focusing on an issue allows the energy of the stuck emotions/traumatic experiences to move through the body thus reducing/neutralising the negative charge that has been trapped in the body’s energy system.
Simple, Effective and Powerful
EFT is simple to learn, safe to practice and can be used as an incredibly empowering self-help tool for regulating the nervous system, managing stress and emotions, and even managing pain. It helps to calm the nervous system by discharging negative energy and completing the trauma cycle that we are stuck in. As we begin to respond differently to perceived threats and danger (daily triggers and stressors), we begin to find more peace and balance in our daily lives.
Can I learn this technique myself, or do I need to work with a Practitioner?
If you haven’t tried EFT yet I wholeheartedly encourage you to give it a go. Please try my free guide to EFT tapping which will teach you how to tap for self-help to reduce physical and emotional symptoms, and turn off your fight or flight response. Newcomers often report profound results simply from practicing on themselves.
There is also great benefit to working with a practitioner. As well as providing a compassionate and safe space, we will explore your symptoms/issues in greater depth, helping you tune in to the somatic language of your body and gain greater insight in to your experience. I will also help you to tap in to subconscious memories and unravel the patterns and limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck, allowing for deep healing and transformation to take place from the root of the problem.
Transform your beliefs, Transform your life with Matrix Reimprinting
"The 'secret of life' is belief. Rather than genes, it is our beliefs that control our lives.”
— Bruce Lipton
What is Matrix Reimprinting?
Matrix Reimprinting is an advanced technique that has evolved from EFT. As well as supporting you in healing your physical and emotional issues and resolving trauma, it can also help you to manifest your goals and dreams.
How does this differ to EFT?
EFT discharges negative energy/emotions from the body, allowing us to recall even the most distressing/traumatic memories without any emotional charge or stress. The actual memory stays the same but the emotional charge associated with it dissolves. In Matrix Reimprinting we discharge the trauma by rewriting the past and transforming the actual memory. We go in to the memory, say and do what we wished we’d done, give ourselves what we needed in that moment and transform the memory in to a new and positive picture. By doing this we transform the belief we made that day in to a supportive belief, this creates both physical and emotional healing, and enables us to attract more positive experiences in to our life.
The Power of Belief
Subconscious programmes (beliefs) run a large percentage of our daily behaviour, activities and habits. Many of these programmes were imprinted during the first six years of life due to the way we responded to traumatic experiences.
Imagine an angry six year old child shouting because they need to be listened to and have their feelings validated, but instead they are told to stop shouting and to be ashamed of themselves for their behaviour. This traumatic experience for the child caused feeling of guilt and shame, and expressing their feelings now felt very unsafe, causing the energetic charge of those emotions to stay in their body. They formed a subconscious belief that “I’m not heard and it’s not okay or safe to express how I’m feeling”. Thirty five years later, these beliefs continue to play out in their daily life and the trapped emotions are now being expressed as both emotional/physical pain and symptoms in the body.
All problems want solutions and every emotion we experience has a goal, it has something that it’s trying to achieve, for example the child’s anger was trying to advocate for being seen, heard and understood. The body needs resolution (it wants its needs met) to experience what it’s trying to achieve. Matrix Reimprinting gives us this resolution. When the Echo (inner child) receives and experiences what it needed in that moment then the associated emotions can truly begin to dissolve and transform. We then imprint a new belief, in this case – “it’s safe to be heard, my feelings do matter and it’s okay to express myself without any shame and guilt”. These new positive beliefs pave the way for transformation, healing and growth as we move forward in our lives.